Getting Back Out There

Getting Back Out There

Looking back at this month, we managed to get out and about quite a bit. Not so much in central London, but a lot of trips that were an hour or less from home. Even better – a lot of these were with friends as well. Some not seen since May 2019. Some friends in Leicester were away the first weekend of June and offered us a stay at their house. Why not?! Also, recently found out there is a…

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Very Local History

Very Local History

This week I happened upon a photo of Anerley Station, our local station, taken in the 19th or possibly early 20th century and one from a stone’s throw away in Maple Road. Both are places that we’ve walked past so many times but had never seen these photos of before. What’s a couple of nerds to do? Go and recreate the photos of course and check out what has changed and what has stayed the same. First up is the…

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Lockdown Urban Birding

Lockdown Urban Birding

So, things are a bit weird aren’t they? I’ve been pretty quiet on The Internet for a while now because of *gestures broadly*. Now isn’t the time to post about frivulous things, I thought. But then when Skyping with my dad, he mentioned how quiet my Twitter has been, asking if I’ve been too busy to post. Quite the opposite usually. And then I thought, maybe it would be nice to just post about wholesome things, mainly for myself but…

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Tube Map Challenge – Pick Piccadilly!

Tube Map Challenge – Pick Piccadilly!

Liz and I found ourselves with a free day on a recent weekend after some plans changed, so we thought we’d have the first proper crack at our Tube Map Challenge 2017. For our first adventure we naturally chose Cockfosters at the eastern end of the Piccadilly line, neither of us having been there previously. Yes, that station that never fails to muster a giggle even for those of us in our mid-thirties. Once on the train, we had a bit of…

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We Accept the (Tube Map) Challenge!

We Accept the (Tube Map) Challenge!

So, following from Geoff Marshall’s call out on his YouTube channel today, Liz and I are going to take up the Tube Map Challenge 2017! We are going with Option 1 – Sweet & Sour Chicken, fried rice. No, hang on. Option 1 in this case is filling in a Tube map with all the stations you have ever been to, and completing the full set over 2017. We popped down to Wapping Overground where we hoped they may have…

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A Tale of Two Bus Drivers

A Tale of Two Bus Drivers

Step out my door and start walking down the road. A 59 bus creeps past me. Nuts – that’s the bus I want. Check CityMapper to see when the next one will be. Oh – 16 minutes. Ok, I can try to catch this one. Better get a literal jog on. I run up to the back door of the bus and away it goes. That’s that. But then the 159 bus behind it honks its horn. I turn around…

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Super Cycle Lane Six Is Go

Super Cycle Lane Six Is Go

… at least the bit around Blackfriars. After I got my photos and wrote my post yesterday, the cycle lanes opened up. Yesterday evening there were hi-vis’d folks from TfL dotted around the Blackfriars area to direct cyclists onto the new CS6 lanes (and maybe to help pedestrians not walk out in front of traffic?). The bus stop J for north-bound buses has also been moved closer to Blackfriars Station, and on the island between the cycle and car lanes….

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Go With The Traffic Flow

Go With The Traffic Flow

If you’ve been around Ludgate Circus or Blackfriars in the last few months, you’ll know it’s been a bit of a construction zone.  Things are starting to look a bit more finished now and we have some changes. Starting around last week there were new pedestrian crossings at Ludgate Circus and Blackfriars. Ludgate Circus was always a bit weird in that there were lights at one crossing, at New Bridge Street, but none of the others. Now there are lights…

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