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Category: History

Photos from Dunwich

Photos from Dunwich

Dunwich was a very important trading and fishing port along the Suffolk coast of England. I say ‘was’ because the bulk of the town, a square mile of it, is now underwater. The coastline here is very sandy, so is highly susceptible to erosion. The town has been falling into the sea since the medieval period. Historian Dan Snow has helpfully done a little spot on the place that’s worth a watch (it’s a bit old, so the picture quality…

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A Very Victorian New Year’s Eve

A Very Victorian New Year’s Eve

169 years ago today, a dinner party was thrown that if it had been organised now, would be herralded as ‘London’s most Instagramable dinner experience pop up’ or something along those lines. It has to do with the dinosaur statues in Crystal Palace Park and the Victorian penchant for spectacle… Dinner in theĀ Iguanodon One of the larger of the model dinosaurs built for the park are those of the Iguanodon. During construction of the models, the paleontologist working on the…

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A Last Visit to the Museum of London

A Last Visit to the Museum of London

This week a friend and I made a pilgramage to have one last visit to the Museum of London. It will be closing its doors on the 4th of December to start preparing to move to its new location in Smithfield. Lots can be read about the new museum here First off, I got a lot of photos of the outside as this corner of the Barbican is slated to be heavily redeveloped. Inside the museum, we fell into the classic trap of taking…

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A Weekend in Suffolk

A Weekend in Suffolk

We recently spent a couple of days in Suffolk, somewhere that Liz hadn’t explored very much. I’ve been to a few sights when I lived in Cambridgeshire A Long Time Ago. So, it was ripe for exploring. First up was a town we recently heard of in a couple of places; Lavenham. It was featured on BBC Four’s ‘Pubs, Ponds and Power: The Story of the Village’ as well as a handy book we have called ‘Escape London‘. It’s considered…

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Very Local History

Very Local History

This week I happened upon a photo of Anerley Station, our local station, taken in the 19th or possibly early 20th century and one from a stone’s throw away in Maple Road. Both are places that we’ve walked past so many times but had never seen these photos of before. What’s a couple of nerds to do? Go and recreate the photos of course and check out what has changed and what has stayed the same. First up is the…

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