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Category: Tube Map Challenge

Tube Map Challenge – Pick Piccadilly!

Tube Map Challenge – Pick Piccadilly!

Liz and I found ourselves with a free day on a recent weekend after some plans changed, so we thought we’d have the first proper crack at our Tube Map Challenge 2017. For our first adventure we naturally chose Cockfosters at the eastern end of the Piccadilly line, neither of us having been there previously. Yes, that station that never fails to muster a giggle even for those of us in our mid-thirties. Once on the train, we had a bit of…

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We Accept the (Tube Map) Challenge!

We Accept the (Tube Map) Challenge!

So, following from Geoff Marshall’s call out on his YouTube channel today, Liz and I are going to take up the Tube Map Challenge 2017! We are going with Option 1 – Sweet & Sour Chicken, fried rice. No, hang on. Option 1 in this case is filling in a Tube map with all the stations you have ever been to, and completing the full set over 2017. We popped down to Wapping Overground where we hoped they may have…

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