Wintery Park Walks

Wintery Park Walks

So winter hit London recently. The temperature dropped to around freezing last weekend and the snow started to fall Sunday evening. Liz and I got a few walks in at some of our favourite South East London nature spots…

Dulwich Wood – Sunday 11 Dec

The colder temperatures made for a very atmospheric walk through Dulwich Wood on Sunday morning. The damp air was made into a frosty fog which was just perfect atmosphere for an ancient woodland.

The walk was an organised bird watching walk put on by the London Wildlife Trust who look after the Great North Wood, of which Dulwich is a part of.

Dulwich Wood
Dulwich Wood
Robin, Dulwich Wood
A robin with its feathers puffed up to keep warm
Dulwich Wood
Redwing, Dulwich Wood
Not an amazing shot of a redwing. There were loads of them in and around the Wood

South Norwood Country Park – Monday 12 Dec

Post snowfall walk and we are off to South Norwood Country Park. It’s a large woodland, lake, and open fields that has a, as per Wikipedia ‘long and chequered history, from the days of the Great North Wood to ancient moated house, sewage farm, farming, the war years, civil defence, allotments, wasteland, highways, refuse dump and now the Country Park’

South Norwood Country Park
Gulls, South Norwood Country Park
Gulls having a stand (and sit) on the icey edges of the lake
South Norwood Country Park
Robin, South Norwood Country Park
Another one of those puffy robins
South Norwood Country Park
Liz taking it all in

Crystal Palace Park – Tuesday 13 Dec

The snow has disappered a bit, but it’s still cold enough for some of it and the ice to stick around when we have a loop around the lakes and dinosaurs at Crystal Palace Park

Crystal Palace Park
A few juvenile swans still hanging about
Crystal Palace Park
Crystal Palace Park
Crystal Palace Park

We did one last impromptu walk around South Norwood Lake on Thursday. I had forgotten my phone that day and didn’t have a camera with me so no snaps from there.

Well, now that that we’ve had a few warmer days and lots of rain these frosty scenes are a thing of the past. This Canadian loved it while it lasted! A few more photos can be found over on my Flickr album ❄️

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