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Tag: Crystal Palace Park

A Very Victorian New Year’s Eve

A Very Victorian New Year’s Eve

169 years ago today, a dinner party was thrown that if it had been organised now, would be herralded as ‘London’s most Instagramable dinner experience pop up’ or something along those lines. It has to do with the dinosaur statues in Crystal Palace Park and the Victorian penchant for spectacle… Dinner in theĀ Iguanodon One of the larger of the model dinosaurs built for the park are those of the Iguanodon. During construction of the models, the paleontologist working on the…

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Wintery Park Walks

Wintery Park Walks

So winter hit London recently. The temperature dropped to around freezing last weekend and the snow started to fall Sunday evening. Liz and I got a few walks in at some of our favourite South East London nature spots… Dulwich Wood – Sunday 11 Dec The colder temperatures made for a very atmospheric walk through Dulwich Wood on Sunday morning. The damp air was made into a frosty fog which was just perfect atmosphere for an ancient woodland. The walk…

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