A Last Visit to the Museum of London

A Last Visit to the Museum of London

This week a friend and I made a pilgramage to have one last visit to the Museum of London. It will be closing its doors on the 4th of December to start preparing to move to its new location in Smithfield.

Lots can be read about the new museum here

First off, I got a lot of photos of the outside as this corner of the Barbican is slated to be heavily redeveloped.

Inside the museum, we fell into the classic trap of taking our time in the first few galleries, then noticing the time and having to whizz through the end. Still, I got to see a lot of favourite displays and bits so it all worked out.

A large farewell greets you when you enter the museum.
The small cafe in the lower level appears to now be shut but still attracts folks for a sit down. They had these amazing cupcakes back in 2016 for the Great Fire of 1666 exhibit.
Pointy bits and a replica of the Battersea sheild in the ‘London before London’ gallery.
Looking down the obversation window to the remains of the Roman city wall. Bits of the wall continue into the car park that is just behind the tree branches.
Items from the Temple of Mithras when it was excavated in 1954. I hope in the new museum they make a proper song and dance about the amazing story of finding the temple during that dig, and how it sparked huge public interest in archeology.
A replica of Old St. Paul’s Cathedral in the medieval gallery. This was how it looked before the spire was struck by lighning in 1561 and destroyed, and before the rest of it was done in by fire in 1666.
Leaping ahead to the Modern City galleries and we have the printing press. It’s odd, it feels like these galleries only opened a year or so ago. How time flies.
A water pump on display in a exhibit about cholera outbreaks. Annoyingly I can’t recall the details of this pump or find anthing online. The room off to the right is an immersive exhibit on Charles Booth’s poverty maps
Last up is this nerd and a collection of street signs. If street signs are your thing, there’s a book you should check out.

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