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Tag: City of London

A Last Visit to the Museum of London

A Last Visit to the Museum of London

This week a friend and I made a pilgramage to have one last visit to the Museum of London. It will be closing its doors on the 4th of December to start preparing to move to its new location in Smithfield. Lots can be read about the new museum here First off, I got a lot of photos of the outside as this corner of the Barbican is slated to be heavily redeveloped. Inside the museum, we fell into the classic trap of taking…

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Super Cycle Lane Six Is Go

Super Cycle Lane Six Is Go

… at least the bit around Blackfriars. After I got my photos and wrote my post yesterday, the cycle lanes opened up. Yesterday evening there were hi-vis’d folks from TfL dotted around the Blackfriars area to direct cyclists onto the new CS6 lanes (and maybe to help pedestrians not walk out in front of traffic?). The bus stop J for north-bound buses has also been moved closer to Blackfriars Station, and on the island between the cycle and car lanes….

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Go With The Traffic Flow

Go With The Traffic Flow

If you’ve been around Ludgate Circus or Blackfriars in the last few months, you’ll know it’s been a bit of a construction zone.  Things are starting to look a bit more finished now and we have some changes. Starting around last week there were new pedestrian crossings at Ludgate Circus and Blackfriars. Ludgate Circus was always a bit weird in that there were lights at one crossing, at New Bridge Street, but none of the others. Now there are lights…

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